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The Myѕtery of Plаnet Nіbіru: How Dіd the Anunnаki Creаte Humаnity?

Looking for the answer to the mystery of the planet Nibiru, did the Anunnaki creatures create humans?Zecharia Sitchin (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010) was an Azerbaijani-American author of a series of books explaining the origin of humans in relation to ancient aliens.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?

Sumerian culture and the Anunnaki

Sitchin believes that the ancient Sumerian culture (Mesopotamia) was created by the Anunnaki, an advanced creature from the planet furthest in the solar system, after Neptune, called Nibiru.

The planet Nibiru has a 3,600-year orbit around the sun, and Sumerian mythology mentions this theory. Sitchin’s book has sold millions of copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 25 languages, but has been refuted by scientists and scholars.The Anunnaki In ancient texts, the Anunnaki are often mentioned to refer to a group of gods. They are the ancestors who created the Mesopotamian civilization (Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran today). According to this hypothesis, extraterrestrial beings are the authors of the outstanding inventions of that time, coming from the planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X (Planet X).The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?The statues of the Sumerians show the shape of the Anunnaki, who are said to have heads like snakes or reptiles.Sumerian Culture and the AnunnakiIn Zecharia Sitchin’s book, he argues that the ancient civilization of Sumer (Sumer: “Those who came from above”) was created by the Anunnaki, a being from an extraterrestrial place, the planet Nibiru, the furthest planet from the solar system, Neptune.He also theorizes that this is a planet in its dying period, and that these beings traveled to Earth in search of gold, which they used to process into a material that could save the dying atmosphere of their planet.

The Anunnaki are beings from the 10th planet (after Pluto – now classified as an asteroid) in our Solar System

They settled on Earth 432,000 years ago in the Mesopotamian region, with the purpose of mining gold on Earth. About 250,000 years ago, according to recovered documents, miners revolted against poor conditions at the mining sites. The Anunnaki High Council decided to create a new creature to serve as their mining slaves.Enki, the head of science, and Ninhursag, the head of the biological council, crossbred the genes of the Anunnaki and the Erectus Homo (ancient ape-men) to create humans. Because they were hybrid creatures, humans were initially incapable of reproducing. But due to the need for more slaves, the Anunnaki genetically modified humans so that they could maintain and develop their species.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?After a while, humans evolved mutatedly, some escaped from the Anunnaki city centers and lived all over the world.Human development was beyond the control of the Anunnaki. This was unacceptable to the Anunnaki High Council. They were instructed to create some natural disasters such as floods, volcanoes… to wipe out the human products they had built about 12,500 years ago.Some Anunnaki were saved by powerful figures like Enki, who was instrumental in creating the human genetics. For the next thousands of years, humans were used by the Anunnaki as slaves, workers, and soldiers to fight for political conflicts within the Anunnaki. Humans were also slaves who built temples, palaces, and astronomical stations on continents from Egypt, India to Central America at their request.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?About 6,000 years ago, humans began to have their own civilization and it was time for them to return to their planet. Sumer, the Mesopotamian civilization was born under the supervision of the Anunnaki. The kings were the elites they selected and empowered to carry out the Anunnaki’s missions. This is also a race of people carrying their superior genes, trained with advanced education in technology, mathematics, astronomy… And humans began their own independent lives.What evidence supports Sitchin’s hypothesis?Astronomical evidence and the formation of the EarthThe basis of author Zecharia Sitchin’s hypothesis is the planet Nibiru, so is there or is there not the existence of a 10th planet in the Solar System? The Anunnaki’s homeland, in terms of size, characteristics as described by Sitchin?In the process of finding the cause of the oscillations, the obvious shaking of the total orbit of Uranus and Neptune, astronomers affirmed that there must be a planet other than Pluto, that has such a strong impact.The infrared astronomical satellite IRAS was actively searching for the 10th planet in the years 83-84. In 1992, Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory said that with the information they had, the 10th planet did exist, and they even called it an “intruder.”

After reading the translation of the Enûma Eliš, an ancient Sumerian text found in Mesopotamia, Harrington invited Sitchin to a meeting in his office to compare the results of current observations with the astronomical records of the ancient text. The restored Enûma Eliš also provides a lot of information about our solar system. At the time when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn were in stable orbits, another planet the size of Uranus was located between Jupiter and Saturn called Tiamat. At this time, the Earth had not yet been born in the solar system. Nibiru was a large “wandering” planet that was pulled into the orbit of the Solar System. Because it came from outside the solar system, it caused disturbances that affected the orbits of the satellites of the existing planets

The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?The collision changed the solar system at large. First, Uranus’ axis was tilted to one side. Pluto was thrown out of orbit and orbited the sun in its own new orbit. Gravity also bent Nibiru’s path, causing collisions. Its satellite collided with the large planet Tiamat, and then it itself collided with this planet. Its largest fragment formed the Earth today, and the “intruder” satellite also became our planet’s moon. The belt under the Pacific Ocean is believed to be the scar left after this collision event. The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humanity? The orbit of the planet Nibiru today pᴀsses through the asteroid belt.Small and large debris form the asteroid belts and meteors, comets wander in the solar system. Thus, Nibiru officially joins the ranks of the planets revolving around the sun, and its orbital period is 3,600 years compared to Earth’s only 365 days (exactly 365.2564). However, its orbital rotation is opposite to all other planets, pᴀssing through the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter at its closest point (to the sun) and Pluto’s farthest point.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?The process of forming the Earth Basically, the information that Harrington has is consistent with what is indicated in the ancient text. The position of planet X (Nibiru) according to the two men’s point of view is consistent.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?Planet Nibiru in the night skyTechnological evidence Oopart is a term used to describe artifacts, toys, tools, technical equipment and documents that have features that are far superior to their age found through excavation. For example, an ancient vase that functions as a battery in ancient times was found in the Iraqi desert dating back to 2500 BC, models of airplanes, spaceships, helicopters… in ancient Egyptian tombs, 1000-ton blocks of stone cut precisely to build the Pyramids are still a big question for scientists and archaeologists today.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans? The pinnacle of oopart is the most recent discovery by David Hudson, which is “monoatomic gold” (a superconductor at room temperature, has anti-gravity properties and is currently being studied by the high-level physics council).The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans? Hudson’s discovery seems to coincide with Sitchin’s previous argument, he argued that the Anunnaki came to our planet to mine gold and use it to save their planet Nibiru.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans? This also helps to clarify the mysteries of the Anunnaki gold processing factories on Mount Horeb, discovered by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1889, showing that “monoatomic gold” was known at least 3000 years ago.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans? In addition, ooparts from many branches along with various recorded documents also show that an advanced civilization once existed at some point, they possessed a high level of technology, and that could only be the Anunnaki civilization.Documentary evidence Historical documents recording the existence and activities of the Anunnaki only began to be discovered in the early 1800s.Excavating archaeological sites in Mesopotamia, people discovered the incredibly advanced Sumerian civilization, far beyond human understanding of ancient times, with thousands of clay tablets recording not only trading, marriage, and military activities but also calculations of the advanced astronomical science of the Anunnaki. The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?It is clear that the Sumerians knew that the aliens were flesh and blood creatures. One of the most impressive recent discoveries is a sealed chamber measuring 1.8 x 2.7 meters at Sippar, inside which is a set of 400 clay tablets neatly arranged on shelves, containing a chronological history of ancient people. The evidence is overwhelming and strong, if no one can better counter it, it will be accepted as fact, the view of antiquity is completely different from what we know.Genetic evidenceRecovered documents show that the Anunnaki laboratories were located right at the gold mines in east Central Africa.This location falls right at the epicenter, where the first mitochondrial DNA of “Eve”, the Homo Sapiens (evolved hominin) was found at the same time (Gold mining engineers in Africa found a 100,000-year-old gold mine here). Evidence and descriptions of advanced genetic engineering are all in the ancient documents. Human evolution took only 250,000 years, much faster than other species on earth, such as Homo Erectus (a group of species in the human family that existed around 1.8-3 million years BC, discovered by Eugène Dubois on the island of Java in 1891) before us.The mystery of the planet Nibiru, how did the Anunnaki create humans?

As some thinkers point out, we are completely anomalous and different from other animals on earth. Of course, many scientists have refuted the arguments of Zecharia Sitchin and his supporters. However, all the arguments have not yet produced completely convincing counter-evidence.