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Andre Iguodala Picks 1996 Chicago Bulls Over 2017 Golden State Warriors In A Matchup: “Any Team With MJ, I’m Picking.”

Iggy isn’t as confident as Green, claiming that he would probably pick the team with Michael Jordan, which would be the 96 Bulls. Iguodala was emphatic about it too, telling Evan Turner on the Point Forward podcast that he didn’t want to even argue about it. He did, however, mention that the one time he would pick against Michael Jordan would be if it was the 2012 US Olympic Team against the Dream Team in 1992.

“I’m picking the Bulls, I’m not even arguing with you because any team with Michael Jordan on it, I’m picking except for 2012 vs. the ’92 Dream Team. I’m not picking the ’92 team, I’m picking us even though the ’92 team had MJ.

“I think we are a more talented team, I just think they were a higher level IQ team. The way we shoot the ball though is different though. We shoot the ball very well, like very well.

“It will be interesting. I think that’s one thing that’s not viewed as much, we don’t look deep into, is that they control the pace of the game. So yeah, the score was low but they were controlling the pace of the game. They know how to limit your possessions, and the rules of the game have changed as well so you can get more possessions in. We all say, once you get to them finals, that two-point shot becomes real important, and they be acting like it’s not important.”

Iguodala broke down the situation quite well, and his takes on the Bulls vs. the Warriors, as well as the two Olympic squads, is interesting. That he disagrees with Green is no surprise, as most basketball fans do. Michael Jordan is the GOAT for most NBA lovers and he is the last player anyone would bet against.