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Wаrrіors’ forwаrd Drаymond Green reѕрondѕ to bіzаrre сommentѕ from rіvаl GM

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green isn’t known to mince words, and his latest target is none other than the Phoenix Suns’ General Manager, James Jones. Jones recently made some eyebrow-raising comments about Kevin Durant, suggesting the Suns are the first team truly maximizing his potential. Green, ever the fiery competitor, took serious issue with that claim.

Green finds Jones’ statement “baffling” considering his experience playing against Durant in the 2017 NBA Finals. Back then, Jones was part of the Cleveland Cavaliers team that got thoroughly dismantled by Durant and the Golden State Warriors. In that series, Durant earned Finals MVP honors by averaging a staggering 35.2 points on a scorching 55.6% shooting.

Green emphasizes his point by asking, “how much more could you maximize a player than numbers like that?” He further highlights Durant’s dominant performance in the following year’s Finals sweep against the same Cavaliers.

While Durant’s scoring average dipped slightly in the Suns’ recent first-round exit, Green argues it’s a stretch to claim he wasn’t utilized effectively. Suggesting Durant hasn’t reached his peak potential at this stage in his career is, according to Green, “almost disrespectful” to his incredible accomplishments.

This exchange reignites the debate about maximizing superstars. Did the Suns truly unlock Durant’s full potential, or is Green right in calling Jones’ comments “baffling?”  Only time, and perhaps Durant’s future performance, will tell.