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Shocking video of a deformed baby cow staggering around on its back legs sparks fury online as owners are slammed for not doing more to help it

DISTURBING footage of a deformed baby cow staggering around upright on its back legs has sparked fury online.

The animal, who has no front legs, looks in utter discomfort as it staggers around on its remaining two limbs.

4 Disturbing footage shows a deformed baby cow staggering around only on its back legsCredit: News Dog Media

It is barely in control as it stumbles around a rural, wooded area in what is believed to be Indonesia.

The cow repeatedly walks over to a local man, seemingly in a bid for help, but he pushes her away.

Confused and clearly unable to sit down, the animal continues to wander around aimlessly.

Social-media users were quick to condemn the video which appeared online in late 2017.

4 The animal in the video, apparently shot in Indonesia, has no front legsCredit: News Dog Media

4 The confused animal stumbles around the poor area looking for helpCredit: News Dog Media

4 Social media users were unanimous in their condemnation of the cruel videoCredit: News Dog Media

Gernaine Louise Thomas said: “I am so heartbroken. Will no-one help? We live in such a selfish world.”

Whilst Sukairaa Leishman said: “Shoot this poor thing and put it out of its misery.”

Kaelynn Mara added: “Why haven’t they made the thing some sling with wheels… I’m sad.”