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The Book Of Giants Describes How The Nephilim Lived On Earth

According to the Book of Giants, the Nephilim were generally tall and powerful, causing chaos and destruction to the Earth.

The Qυmra Caves, located near the Dead Sea in Israel, were in fact the site of a notable archaeological discovery in the 1940s and 1950s. The excavation yielded a vast collection of acceptable Jewish texts, known collectively as the Dead Sea Scrolls . These scrolls include various biblical texts, sectarian writings and other works that were very significant for the Jewish community of the time.

The Book of Giants: An Illustration of the War in Miltop’s Paradise Lost by Gυstave Doré. Wikimedia Communications

The Book of Giants, or more precisely, the Book of Fragments of the Book of Giants, is one of the texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, it is important to note that the book is fragmented and that large parts of it are missing or damaged, making the complete interpretation of its cotepts difficult. Furthermore, it is written in Aramaic, an acceptable Semitic language.

The Book of Giants literally talks about failed angels, sips hυma, and the punishment the giants receive as a result. It refers to the existence of the Nephilim, who are described as descendants of angels called Watchers and human women.

The book describes how the Nephilim lived on Earth, suggesting that they were a powerful and fearsome race. They were said to have a giant-like stature, being noticeably taller and stronger than ordinary humans. They possessed exceptional skills and abilities, both physically and intellectually.

The Book of Giants states that the Nephilim introduced war, violence, and corruption to humanity. They also taught forbidden human practices, such as magic, division, and sorcery. They were said to have consumed the flesh and blood of their fellow humans, evoking Kabbalistic practices.

Dead Sea Scrolls at the exhibition iп Dreпts Mυseυm iп Asseп. Groпiпgeп University / Fair Use

However, the Book of Giants also portrays the Nephilim as destructive and morally corrupt beings. His reign on Earth is described as a time of great chaos, violence and anarchy. The Nephilim, along with their human allies, oppressed and enslaved humanity, causing widespread suffering and anguish.

The book also features the well-known legendary character Noah, who plays a prominent role in other interesting Jewish texts, such as the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. The narrative of the Book of Giants relates to the biblical story of the flood; In which the evil of the Nephilim and other divine entities led God to cleanse the Earth, leaving Noah as the beacon of hope for humanity.

The Book of Giants, shrouded in mystery and fragmentation, offers us a glimpse into a forgotten era. Its existence within the Dead Sea Scrolls shows the rich tapestry of a clear Jewish history and provides a deeper understanding of the interaction between mythology and theology, and perhaps a lost history.

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